diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

My favourite film

My favourite film is Avatar, by the next things:

Principal Characteristic:

- The history is very nice beacuse the protagonist Sam Worthington do paper doble, he is human but also is a ''Avatar'' which created the attention for continued see the film. 
- The arguments the film are very good and  the characteristic of the actors/Avatar are better.
- The effects specials are very good, because all is very real, for exemple: who break the rocks and the actions the Avatar.
- - The end is very romantic and nice for a film

secondary characteristics:

- The places where happen  the actions, for example: The forest.
- The relation of love between ''Avatars and humans''. 

In my opinion this film is my favourite by this  characteristics.

My opinions on smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for health. So Why do a lot of people smoke?

- Think that the young people think smoking looks good or cool, but I don't agree.
- Is very easy to buy a tabacco, even if not 18 years old.
- My opinion is the people who smoke have the fallowing problems:
     smoking is bad for: doing soprts, smoking makes your teeth yellow and nails, it makes your        breath, clothes and hair smell and smoking can cause that have very problems for the salut.
- Almost everyone begins smoking in a partys with friends and age 13/ 14 years old.
- The people that smoking: I think that to 30 years old We can see the difference betwen, the people smoking and people that no smoking. The first thing for the see is the run resistence and after, the form of breathe. 

-In my opinion smoking is very bad for the salud and worst the tabacco is a drug that takes away time for live and cost much money and some idiot smoking.

                 smoker                                                                     healthy lungs/smokers


If I won the lottery

Te first things I will give money to my parents ans my friends, and the next thing I do will do is donate for charites , for exemple- Children in Africa and India, I will buy some buldings, because and rent the apartaments, to make more money!, sports cars and yachts.

I will stop studing and will live my life, because, I will be a milionaire.

I will invest some many to make interest, and keep it in the because the moneu will grow in my account.

I will live in Ibiza ot the Center of New York. Ibiza because the climate is the best in the world, for my, and I will live in the New York, in the center, near Central Park because of the shops, restaurants, clubs and more things.

The money will not change my character but I will be happier because I will not have so more problems.

But for old these to happen, first I need to buy the lottery ticket.

                       New York                                                              Central Park



The day that we were to Figueras with the class, I interview a tourist. The tourist called Jhon, he answered all questions that I made. With this questions  that I made a Jhon, We learned more about his life.

Jhon explained that he from in Netherland and he live in France with your wife. 
He explained that  he having a good time in Catalunia, he staying in Cebere in a house and he staying in Catalunia almost year.

Jhon also said that the places that he like so much in Spain  are: Barcelona, Roses, Girona, Cadaques and Empuriabrava.

As that we  were to be in Figueras, I decided question that think, of the Dalí museum, and he answer It's a nice museum. And finaly for interview, he explained that he like Spain food.


                              INTERVIEW        · = me            - = Tourist

· Where are you from?                                                            · Are you holiday here?
  - Netherlands.                                                                           - No, I live in France.

·Are you having a good time?                                                 · Where are you staying?
  - Yes.                                                                                        - In Cerbere.

· How long are you staying in Catalunia, Spain?                  · Are you with a group?
  - Almost all year.                                                                        - No.

· Whic places do you like so much?                                         
  - In figueras?
· No, in Spain Catalunia.
  - Barcelona, Roses, Girona, Cadaques and Empuriabrava.

· What do you think of the Dalí museum?                 
  - It's a nice museum, We've visited it quite a lot of times.          

· Do you like Catalunia, Spanish food? 
  - Yes, I like paella. 

dimarts, 22 de maig del 2012

Italy 2012

In march 2012 4rt of ESO, went to Italy. It was an unfortable experience, all travelling together. There were a lot of new experiences but my favourite are:

- The best experience was the travel by boat, because there weren't teachers and there were a lot of different people the from other schools.

- My favourite city to visit was Florance, because there is the leaning tower of Pisa and the other reason by that  I like Florance is because the restaurants and the places are very interesting and very famous in this world.

- The best hotel was in Rome, the last hotel, because it was more beautifull than the others.

- The free time in Rome was a lot of fun because we go with friends and visit shops and  We buy objects for the family. For example shirts and bracelets.

- These days I was in Italy, probably I  will never other time with friends the school, in my life and by this I think was the one best moments in my live.

dimarts, 15 de maig del 2012

The change from Eso to Batxillerat

First I want to say, that I don't like the change because there are not the same teachers and subjects also it is match harder before the teacher told me that it will be more difficult.

The other people doing batxillerat, told me that it is not as complicated as the teachers said.
I don't want to the change because I don't want  to study more.
I hope that the people to batxillerat are correct.
But the change is very important for my life becasue I start my plans for the future and I will study and prepare for my profesional formation.

I think that the batxillerat is very important in our lives because it decides our future.
And finally I spoke with some people that did the batxillerant and said that is quite difficult but worth it  and also they said that are one experience and one posibility in the life.

Things I want to do before I die.

- I think before I die I will do a parachute jump. I want to do this because It is a new experience in my life and I want to feel the excitement and adrenalin.

- I want to learn to surf. The best place to practice surfing is Haway or Australia. Surfing is interesting to me because It is popular sport and fun.

- Other countries I want visit are China and America especially ''Las Vegas''. 
China because I think it will be spectaculare, buldings, casinos, lights and the people dressed like Elvis.´

          Parachute jump                                                                          Surfing                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

Book versus Film

- The main difference between the film and the book is that the ilm is more modern.
- The sword is subsituted for a gun.
- Mercutio is black and isn't white as in the book .
- The location where the action happened in the book is a village and in the film is a city.
- Where Juliet dies is n a cathedral but in the book she dies in family tomb.
- In the book Juliet dies with a dagger nd the film with a gun.
- The first fight is in a steet in the village and In the film it is in a petrol garage.
- The Montagues in the book are white and the film they are Chinese.
- In the film the police and Jutge stop the fight and in the book it is the Prince of Verona.
- In the film they speak in verse but in the book they speak normal English.
- In the film Mercutio dies on the beach and in the book he dies in the village square.

In my opinion I prefere the book, because it is more enjoyable, but the film is a funnier

                  The film                                                                   the book 


Friend ship

I think friendship is...

- Helping friends, that need help.
- To be a shoulder to cry on.
- That they are always there and you can count on them.
- The friends help you when are lost.
- Friendship is that you are always there and never say good.bye.
- Friends remind you how much you really mean.
- I thinks that friendship is very important in this life because without friends you are alone in this world.

dilluns, 16 d’abril del 2012

Description postcard

This foto is very important for me, because it represents a moment in my life.
This foto happened when I was 7 years old. I remember that day as an important and happy day in my short live. That day we played against the Barça and we lost, but that year we won ligue.

In this foto we see my team, called: Esplais, in the middle of this photo we find my best friend in the team called Moha, after we find other people of team for exemple: David Batlle and Francesc Vidal, in the background right, we can see the trainer of Barça and the left, we can see the goal-keeper of Barça.

After the photo I remember that we went to a musem of the F.C.B and we went home by bus. 

dijous, 8 de març del 2012

Phrasal Verbs

- Have a crush on someone                                    =     Amor a primera vista.
- Fall for someone                                                    =     Estimar algú.
- Get butterflies in your stomach                            =     Incomoditat.
- Go on a date                                                          =     Anar Tenir una cita.
- A blind date                                                            =     Cita a cegues.
- Ask your lover out                                                   =     Demanar per sortir
- Eat out                                                                    =     Menjar / Sopar romàntic
- Cheat on your lover                                                =     Enganyar, posar les banyes.
- The others finds out                                               =     Descobrir un desengany.
- Fall out                                                                    =     Discutir.
- Dumping your lover                                                 =     Passar pàgina.
- Break up sodly                                                        =     Separació / separar.
- Friends stick up for them                                       =     T'apollen / donar suport.
- Call up each other often                                          =     Trucar.
- They make up often the quarrel                               =     Reconciliació desprès de una baralle.
- They go back together                                            =     Tornar '' amb ell''.

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012


Doraemon is the cartoons more successful the ''manga'' . The series Doraemon born in 1967 and 1970 by Fujimoto Hiroshi y Motoo Abiko.
The series Doraemon is a cat robotic cosmic, that travel the future for help the clumsy Nobita Nobi. Doraemon (cat robotic) have a magic bag that it extracts equipment for help a Novita, in the century XXII.
The principal protagonist to the series of Doraemon is Novita Novi, he born in Tokyo city. He have 11/12 years old, Novita Novi have a friends that are: Shizuka Minamoto: She is a beautifull girl and Novita wants married with she. Takeshi Goda "Gigante": He is a strong man and everyday fight and hit a Novita, because Novita is a weak person. Tsuneo Honekawa: He is a best friend to the Takeshi Goda "Gigante'' , he like show their luxuries. Tamako Nobi: She is a mam of Novita Novi. Nobisuke Nobi: He is father the Novita Novi. Dorami: She is sister the Doraemon, she is cat robotic and also she have a magic bag. Eisai Dekisugi: He is boy very intelligent and handsome. The teacher: He is teacher.
The series Doraemon is very funny and entertaining, the series Doraemon was my  favourite series when I was young ( 4-8 years old).

Los Simpsons

The Simpsons are cartoon, are known international, The Simposons were born 23 years. The creator it calls Matt Groening, he born in the 1954, Portland, Oregón, he is a cartoonist, producer television and writer.
The Simpsons are a family E.E.U.U, composed for Homer Simpson, father in the family, Marge Simpsons, the mom in the family and Bart Simpsons, Lisa Simpsons and Maggie Simpson, they are the children.
Bart have 10 years, Lisa Simpsons have 8 years old and Maggie Simpsons have 2 years old.
These are the members the family Simpsons, after we found another members of this family for example: Paty and Selma Bubiere that is sisters of Marge Simpsons and another peculiar members of this family is the grandfather of the Homer Simpsons called Abraham Simpson.
In conclusion the series of the Simpson are a family not normal, but The Simpson is my favourite series and I'm sure i've seen 90% of episodes.

¡ Football !

The football is the best sport in the world, in my opinion, because the football is recogniser in the world. The football is the sport most practised in the world, millions and millions persons know as play football.
I play football in the equip U.E.Figueras, in the category ''Cadet''.
The football means for my  activity more important in  the world after the school.
I play football since I'm 5 years old, when I'm 5-10 years old, I played football with my friends and enter to the school for play football.
When I was young (5-10 years) I played football in the equip ''Esplais'' , in the equip of Castelló d'Empuries.
One of recollections more importants of my live in the football  was played against F.C.Barcelona.
I want play football until my dead.


dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012

Valentine's Day


· The activity is very easy and not learnt many new things, because the ideas are It's basics but the activity is good and fun.


·In the exercice I do choose the correct word. 1) romantic, 2) typical, 3) card, 4) inspire, 5) dates,
6) candlelight, 7) accept, 8) sweet-tooth, 9) dozen, 10) bouquet. 
·The activity no is very easy because the words seem much, but the activity is fun. I have learn the mean of some word. Exemple: sweettheard = novio o amor.


· In this exercice I choose 3 options but 1 is correct: 1) celebrated, 2) sweethearts, 3) both,
4) called, 5) from, 6) spring, 7) columns, 8) symbol, 9)  popular, 10) after.
· The activity is very easy because I have theree options a), b),c).
· I don't have learnt very much words because the vocabulary is very easy and  I understantd.

dilluns, 6 de febrer del 2012

Love story

You Belong With Me

This song is very nice, because the protagonist loves a girl but the girl deceive with another man.
The another protagonist '' Thaylor Swift'' loves man, because the man is beautifull and see every day and they are neighbors.
The love of this video is romantic love.
I like this song because is relaxing and I feel good.

dissabte, 4 de febrer del 2012

Self evaluation of your oral presentation


1-      Watch your presentation and answer the questions.

Answer the questions and add a mark

Presentation (10%)

Resources: PowerPoint, video, images, music...? Are there just key words to explain your message?
- We use a Pawer Point, with photos of grandfather and grandmother of Aria.

Body Language and eye contact (10%)

- Yes, I see the audience very time because is very important.
- Yes, I reading the paper, because, I help my for to continue the oral presentation.
Structure (10%)

-Yes, we organized our ideas: first of young and last the actuality (married).

Content (40%)

- Yes, I introduced new information while speak.
- Our information is very detailed because explain with easy vocabulary.
- We show the examples in the Pawer point of down below.

Language (20%)

- I believe that the grammar is a lite bit correct   and easy.
- Our vocabulary is a little bit poor, The oral presentation have little rich vocabulary but the presentation have a lot of linkers. 
Pronunciation (10%)

- Yes, I know said all the words and good pronuntation.
- I speak a breaks, because I have very nervous.

Final mark

2-       I think that the better thing has been the pawer point and video and little oral presentation. I need to improve the vocabulary and grammar and not do breaks.

Oral Presentation and Our Pawer Point.

New Years Resolutions:

1- Pass all my exams.

2- Do more exercise.

3- Be more attentive.

4- Be a good friend.

5- Eat healthy food.
1-  I want to pass all my exams, because like this I will improve my oportunities for the future.
    The consequences of improving the notes of the exams are: enter on to batxillerat more          prepared than the others, because the batxillerat is very important to go to university and start my   profession.

2-  I need to do more exercise to help me play better football and not be tired, and doing more exercise is good for health.
Doing more exercise is always good for everyone.
Doing mor exercise We help to live longet.

3-  I should be more attentive in the classes because it helps me to pass all my exams.
If I am more attentive in the class, in my house, I haven't got to study much and I understand everything.

4-  I want to a good friend, friends are very important in life. They help you with problems and also in good times. To have good friends, you have to be a good friends them.

5- I need to eat healthy food. If I want to live a long time, to do sports and enjoy life. I need to eat healthy food. Too much fat, or sugar os bad for you and can give you health problems. I need to eat a balanced diet eating meat, vegetables, fish, friut and carbohydrates.


Personal Experiences:

- Been:          I haven't been to London yet.

- Already:     I have already broken two windows and I hope I will never break another.

- Since:          I have had an animal since 2008. It is a dog called Yuki.

- Never do:   We've hidden by a double bicycle in Empuriabrava.

- For:             I have been a football player for 10 years.

- Since :         I have been a football player since 2001.

- Ago:             I began playing football 10 years ago.