- The sword is subsituted for a gun.
- Mercutio is black and isn't white as in the book .
- The location where the action happened in the book is a village and in the film is a city.
- Where Juliet dies is n a cathedral but in the book she dies in family tomb.
- In the book Juliet dies with a dagger nd the film with a gun.
- The first fight is in a steet in the village and In the film it is in a petrol garage.
- The Montagues in the book are white and the film they are Chinese.
- In the film the police and Jutge stop the fight and in the book it is the Prince of Verona.
- In the film they speak in verse but in the book they speak normal English.
- In the film Mercutio dies on the beach and in the book he dies in the village square.
In my opinion I prefere the book, because it is more enjoyable, but the film is a funnier
The film the book

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