dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2012

Valentine's Day


· The activity is very easy and not learnt many new things, because the ideas are It's basics but the activity is good and fun.


·In the exercice I do choose the correct word. 1) romantic, 2) typical, 3) card, 4) inspire, 5) dates,
6) candlelight, 7) accept, 8) sweet-tooth, 9) dozen, 10) bouquet. 
·The activity no is very easy because the words seem much, but the activity is fun. I have learn the mean of some word. Exemple: sweettheard = novio o amor.


· In this exercice I choose 3 options but 1 is correct: 1) celebrated, 2) sweethearts, 3) both,
4) called, 5) from, 6) spring, 7) columns, 8) symbol, 9)  popular, 10) after.
· The activity is very easy because I have theree options a), b),c).
· I don't have learnt very much words because the vocabulary is very easy and  I understantd.

dilluns, 6 de febrer del 2012

Love story

You Belong With Me

This song is very nice, because the protagonist loves a girl but the girl deceive with another man.
The another protagonist '' Thaylor Swift'' loves man, because the man is beautifull and see every day and they are neighbors.
The love of this video is romantic love.
I like this song because is relaxing and I feel good.

dissabte, 4 de febrer del 2012

Self evaluation of your oral presentation


1-      Watch your presentation and answer the questions.

Answer the questions and add a mark

Presentation (10%)

Resources: PowerPoint, video, images, music...? Are there just key words to explain your message?
- We use a Pawer Point, with photos of grandfather and grandmother of Aria.

Body Language and eye contact (10%)

- Yes, I see the audience very time because is very important.
- Yes, I reading the paper, because, I help my for to continue the oral presentation.
Structure (10%)

-Yes, we organized our ideas: first of young and last the actuality (married).

Content (40%)

- Yes, I introduced new information while speak.
- Our information is very detailed because explain with easy vocabulary.
- We show the examples in the Pawer point of down below.

Language (20%)

- I believe that the grammar is a lite bit correct   and easy.
- Our vocabulary is a little bit poor, The oral presentation have little rich vocabulary but the presentation have a lot of linkers. 
Pronunciation (10%)

- Yes, I know said all the words and good pronuntation.
- I speak a breaks, because I have very nervous.

Final mark

2-       I think that the better thing has been the pawer point and video and little oral presentation. I need to improve the vocabulary and grammar and not do breaks.

Oral Presentation and Our Pawer Point.

New Years Resolutions:

1- Pass all my exams.

2- Do more exercise.

3- Be more attentive.

4- Be a good friend.

5- Eat healthy food.
1-  I want to pass all my exams, because like this I will improve my oportunities for the future.
    The consequences of improving the notes of the exams are: enter on to batxillerat more          prepared than the others, because the batxillerat is very important to go to university and start my   profession.

2-  I need to do more exercise to help me play better football and not be tired, and doing more exercise is good for health.
Doing more exercise is always good for everyone.
Doing mor exercise We help to live longet.

3-  I should be more attentive in the classes because it helps me to pass all my exams.
If I am more attentive in the class, in my house, I haven't got to study much and I understand everything.

4-  I want to a good friend, friends are very important in life. They help you with problems and also in good times. To have good friends, you have to be a good friends them.

5- I need to eat healthy food. If I want to live a long time, to do sports and enjoy life. I need to eat healthy food. Too much fat, or sugar os bad for you and can give you health problems. I need to eat a balanced diet eating meat, vegetables, fish, friut and carbohydrates.


Personal Experiences:

- Been:          I haven't been to London yet.

- Already:     I have already broken two windows and I hope I will never break another.

- Since:          I have had an animal since 2008. It is a dog called Yuki.

- Never do:   We've hidden by a double bicycle in Empuriabrava.

- For:             I have been a football player for 10 years.

- Since :         I have been a football player since 2001.

- Ago:             I began playing football 10 years ago.