· The activity is very easy and not learnt many new things, because the ideas are It's basics but the activity is good and fun.
·In the exercice I do choose the correct word. 1) romantic, 2) typical, 3) card, 4) inspire, 5) dates,
6) candlelight, 7) accept, 8) sweet-tooth, 9) dozen, 10) bouquet.
·The activity no is very easy because the words seem much, but the activity is fun. I have learn the mean of some word. Exemple: sweettheard = novio o amor.
· In this exercice I choose 3 options but 1 is correct: 1) celebrated, 2) sweethearts, 3) both,
4) called, 5) from, 6) spring, 7) columns, 8) symbol, 9) popular, 10) after.
· The activity is very easy because I have theree options a), b),c).
· I don't have learnt very much words because the vocabulary is very easy and I understantd.